Vaginal dryness

What causes it and how do you find relief.

 This is a problem not only during menopause.

The best 14 tips relieving a dry vagina.

Frau mit Scheiden-Trockenheit

Learn about the causes of vaginal dryness and what you can do about it

  • Do you have discomfort during or after intercourse?
  • Do you suffer from constant chafing?
  • Do you experience pain in the genital area with or without having sex?

Then you may have a problem that affects many women: vaginal dryness.

I myself endured it silently during my menopause and was ashamed of it.
Through the trust and openness of the many women in my Hormone Yoga classes, I realized more and more how common this problem is.
I realized the suffering that it causes so many women and how staying silent doesn't help.
Here's the result: there are amazingly simple and natural solutions and - I am now talking about it.

In this article you will learn everything you need to know about "vaginal dryness" and I will show you a method that has helped me and also many other women.

Before we look at the exact causes and I show you what really helps, I want to de-taboo the topic once and for all.

Vaginal dryness:
a problem that affects many.

Viele Frauen leiden unter Scheidentrockenheit.

Presumably 50% of all postmenopausal women are familiar with vaginal dryness and its implications. The phenomenon, however, can affect young women as well – and none of us likes to talk about it.

Let’s start by saying: You are not alone!

There are a great many fellow sufferers, and vaginal dryness is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Yet, many women are. They suffer in silence and think something is wrong with them or are afraid of being judged as "frigid" or "old".

Let me guess – you don't even like to tell your best friend about problems during sex or the fact that you constantly feel a burning sensation in your vagina.

Hi, I am Shakti Simone Lehner.

Seit 1999 treffe ich als Yogalehrerin und Therapeutin viele Menschen, die sich mir gegenüber öffnen. Ich arbeite mit Menschen in allen Lebensphasen und vor allem Frauen, die natürliche Lösungen für ihr Wohlbefinden suchen, kommen in meine Hormon Yoga Kurse.

YogalehrerInnen, die mit der Hilfe von Yoga und Hormon Yoga Therapie sich selbst helfen oder andere unterstützen wollen, lassen sich bei mir ausbilden.

My experience after many years of working with women of all ages has shown:

Almost every woman over 50 with or without major problems during menopause checks "vaginal dryness" in my health questionnaires – almost every woman!

One thing is already crystal clear: you are not alone.

Dry skin and thus dry mucosa plus a changed vaginal environment very often go along with changed hormone levels which make it a "normal" phenomenon.

Frequent consequences include:

  • Itching, burning or even chronic pain 
  • Discomfort during intercourse
  • An increased risk of infection

Some women hardly notice the dryness or don't feel it at all, there is "only" the sensation of discomfort during or after intercourse; others keep suffering from soreness and permanent pain around their genitals – with or without sex.

This is a taboo subject but shouldn't be, as there is a simple biological explanation.

Even better, – there is a whole range of remedies to choose from. My personal favorite is hormone yoga. It's proven to be extremely effective for women of all ages.

Let's go back to the causes.

Causes for dryness in your vagina

At a younger age the estrogen hormone makes sure the mucosa – including the vaginal area – stays moist.

Starting at the age of 35 - in some women even earlier, in some only later – and until the onset of menopause, estrogen production keeps dropping. The result is a thinner, more sensitive and drier mucosa, and loss of elasticity.

Simultaneously, the blood circulation in the pelvic region slows down, aggravating the problem as it reduces the production of fluids.

In addition to this, the reduced hormone levels may cause a so-called lubrication disorder. In other words, despite sexual excitement the vagina is not lubricated properly. Sexual intercourse is perceived as unpleasant and may result in minute injuries and microcracks.

Although a woman may feel the desire to have sex, she will avoid it, because she is afraid it will hurt.

Cause No. 1: Hormone deficiency

A lack of hormones, more specifically of the female sex hormone "estrogen", is the most frequent cause of vaginal dryness.

Our body produces three types of estrogen:

  1. Estradiol controls the menstrual cycle
  2. Estrone works as a storage hormone
  3. Estriol provides a healthy skin and mucosa among other things. It helps the cells to swell, they become fuller and more moistened.

When does a hormone deficiency occur?

A) During pre- and postmenopause – the times before and after your final period. 

As early as in the mid-thirties the estrogen level of a woman starts to go down slowly but continuously.

Estrogen levels in women peak between the ages of 20 and 30, and in the mid-forties production is already reduced by half.

This curve, however, differs from woman to woman. This is why menopause in some women starts quite naturally in their mid-forties, while others still have a regular menstrual cycle until their fifties.

Once the body reduces its hormone production many organs and tissues which need estrogen for healthy function start suffering. 

Some structures degenerate and certain regulatory processes in the body get out of step.

You can find loads of information on menopause related health problems on the internet. Strangely enough, one problem hardly ever mentioned in this context is vaginal dryness with all its consequences. 🤔

Tip No. 1:

The best way to deal with general menopause issues is Hormone Yoga. Here I have compiled some Hormone Yoga Exercises for you.

B) When taking synthetic "hormones".

Here is, where vaginal dryness can become an issue for young women too.

Most frequently this happens when women take "the pill" in order not to become pregnant.

But there may be other reasons for doctors to prescribe the pill including acne, abdominal/period pain or hair loss.

The achievement of safe contraception unfortunately causes the body to stop producing hormones on its own. "The pill" provides the body with hormone-like substances which are "recognized" as hormones, thus triggering the brain to signal the ovaries to stop producing hormones.

The problem here is: 

The biochemically changed "hormones" which are alien to the body have a completely different molecular structure and very different tasks and characteristics compared to their natural models. 

The ingredients of the pill are not hormones but "medical drugs with a hormone-like effect" and are thus unable to perform many of the tasks taken care of by the hormones produced naturally in the body.

This is why the pill has many adverse effects.

Relatively safe contraception is great – but a woman should know about these adverse effects in order to make the right decision for herself.

For more information, please refer to my article "Taking the pill or coming off – what will happen in my body?".

If you are looking for help after having come off the pill, Hormone Yoga is definitely worth a try.

From my own experience I know it is one of the best ways to get the self-regulation of the hormone system going again.

Young women with vaginal dryness

 Topic see above!!!???

It is very clear that young women may be affected by vaginal dryness caused by estrogen deficiency as well.

??It may not even occur to a woman that the pill could suppress her sex drive, even though this very pill should have provided her with freedom in this regard.??

Information is definitely needed, and fortunately there are other ways to prevent a pregnancy in case the pill is not the solution.

What helps with vaginal dryness? 
here are my 14 best tips:

Shakti Simone Lehner - Hormon Yoga Training

First of all – there is something you can do for other women: 

Support early diagnosis!


Talk about it, time and time again! Break the taboo.

You will see that other women of your age will thank you on the spot by responding with "Oh, you too?!?", a sigh of relief.

Your friend, your daughter's friend or a young colleague will react in the same way.

Even if it doesn't pertain to her and she answers with "Oh, so that's what I have to look forward to." At least she will be aware of the issue and discuss it with other women. This way women of all ages will recognize their symptoms and act on them at an early stage.

But now let's get to what YOU can do if you suffer from vaginal dryness.

Tip 1: Take initial signals seriously

You can also take action to support your self-perception and take the time to explore and observe your body.

Any kind of mindfulness or yoga exercise, especially Hormone Yoga can be useful in doing so.

The earlier you become aware of the dryness, the sooner you can take measures to mitigate and prevent more discomfort.

Do not ignore the sensation of chafing, itching or pain.

Of course, you need a thorough examination.

It is crucial in such a situation to bear in mind:

A fungal infection is often misdiagnosed, particularly in younger women, which in many cases is not the true cause.

This is what you should clarify:

What came first – the dryness or maybe an infection which was treated so that the dryness resulted from the treatment?

Antifungals may cause problems with the vaginal flora and result in dry mucosa.

Have you already been treated several times for fungal infections? This often results in a an extremely irritated mucosa, which is then self treated with antifungals again: "Right, I have seen this before."

Are there any other bladder, urethra or vaginal problems? These often get confused.

Once you know the cause of your vaginal dryness you should take the proper

Tip 2: Create an acidic vaginal milieu

Only while menstruating or ovulating is your vaginal flora alkaline because blood is alkaline and sperm requires an alkaline environment. At all other times your vaginal flora should be acidic.

How do I determine whether I have an alkaline or acidic vaginal environment?

Very simple:

Buy a pH test kit from a pharmacy. It is easy to use and the instructions will explain which color indicates what the pH value is.

The normal pH value for the vaginal flora is between 3.8 and 4.5. If the test indicates a higher value, i.e., higher than 4.5, the alkaline level is too high.

The remedy is lactic acid bacteria or Doederlein's bacteria (named after their discoverer).

You can buy them as suppositories from the pharmacy.

Yoghurt contains lactic acid bacteria – but watch out: the lactobacteria in yoghurt are different from those in the vaginal flora. The lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt are lactobacillus delbrueckii, lactobacillus acidophilius and streptococcus thermophilius.

Such yoghurt bacteria are definitely not appropriate for the vaginal flora.

The often-recommended yoghurt tampon thus does not help in any way to develop your vaginal flora. On the contrary, the rod-shaped bacteria in the yoghurt may even trigger a fungal infection. The same goes for the yeasts the yoghurt may contain.

NOTE: Do not insert a yoghurt tampon into the vagina because you think the simple and natural option is always the right one.

Get an appropriate product from the pharmacy.

If you ask for a product with Doederlein's bacteria for a healthy vaginal flora based on the information you have, this may be much easier than telling the pharmacist about your vaginal dryness in front of other customers. 😀😀😀

And what else can you do if you suffer from vaginal dryness?

Tip 3: Estriol suppositories

This is what your gynecologist will most probably recommend once you described your symptoms. And - it definitely helps.

Estriol suppositories help to soften the mucosa and make it more elastic. They help to delay cell degeneration and the changes in connective tissue. This gives you extra time to find additional measures to help your mucosa.

There is no reason to fear any side effects – estriol is a subspecies of estrogen which does not affect the breasts and is not a nutrient for the uterine mucosa. They are absolutely safe used as a cream or suppository.

Even if you have enough estradiol there still might be an estriol deficiency.

Food and diet for vaginal dryness

Tip 4: Yoghurt, onion, et al

Yoghurt can help after all – not in form of a yoghurt tampon (see above) but eating it.

Yoghurt and other probiotic foods including onions, garlic, and leeks can help to stabilize your vagina's pH value.

Tip 5: Linseed

Linseed contains estriol and you may use it as a "mucosa generator" in your porridge or muesli for breakfast or however you like it, and you can also use it as a cream in the vagina.

Tip 6: Pomegranate

Pomegranate contains estrogen and especially estriol.

Remember? Estriol is the type of estrogen required for a healthy mucosa.

To get the amount you need, you could eat pomegranate capsules or concentrate, or use a pomegranate cream or suppositories in your vagina.

Pomegranate concentrate is great if you are suffering from hot flashes, or as a supplement.

The content of the concentrate alone will not significantly improve the condition of the mucosa.

Tip 7: Soy

Tofu or soy milk once in a while can regulate estrogen levels not only for women of all ages. The estrogen they contain can also help in preventing vaginal dryness.

Important: buy organic products from a high quality producer. For you only the best.

Tip 8: Anti-inflammatory and cell-protective foods

Things to bear in mind regarding your diet – Some foods virtually spur on inflammation.

These include sugar, wheat products or excessive meat consumption, especially pork which contains a great deal of proinflammatory substances.

Fruit and vegetables on the other hand not only contain a lot of healthy micronutrients but also an enormous variety of secondary phytonutrients.

Many of these are beneficial for your health – they protect your cells, are antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, although the exact cause-effect relationships have not been explored down to the last detail yet.

Onions contain about 100 of such bioactive substances, apples and tomatoes contain more than 300.

Please note: isolated secondary phytonutrients in form of capsules or powder are no real alternatives as the nutritional ingredients work best in their natural combination.

When it comes to omega-3 fatty acids you can use hempseed instead of fish. It offers an optimum ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, thus having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Good fats such as linseed oil and omega-3 are not only instrumental in controlling inflammation but also support a healthy skin and mucosa.

The vitamin E contained in avocado can help to mitigate vaginal dryness and menstrual cramps as well. Its unsaturated fatty acids also support the cell renewal in the vagina.

Tip 9: drink enough water

From an early age, we are told to drink a lot.

Some people don't have a problem with that, for others it's more difficult. Now there is another reason to drink a sufficient amount of water – it helps to keep the vagina moist and protect it against dryness.

Body care and more

Tip 10: Gentle intimate hygiene

Aggressive shower gels, vaginal douches or vaginal deodorants can irritate the already sensitive vaginal flora to the extent that it can no longer protect the vagina against germs.

The result is a reduction of the crucial lactic acid bacteria and thus an increase of the pH value.

The best thing is to use warm water and only a mild soap with a physiological pH value.

Tip 11: Vaginal care always goes hand in glove with intestinal care

Your intestines are your body's biggest mucosa surface.

And what is the best way to take care of your intestines?

The best intestinal care is

1. An anti-inflammatory diet.

2. Even if it sounds too simple: a lot of relaxation. This can be done with my videoHormone Yoga Nidra.

This regulates your autonomic nervous system - a prerequisite for naturally working intestines.

Tip 12: Good blood circulation in your pelvis

Good blood circulation in your pelvis and thus, of all organs in the lower abdomen works wonders.

The best way to achieve this – as you might have already guessed – is a lot of exercise.

Jogging, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, trampoline, inline skating, dancing … all these activities use the muscles connecting your torso with your legs and thus provide a great blood circulation in the pelvis.

A targeted way to activate the organs in the lower abdomen and your hormone system as a whole is Hormone Yoga. This method of exercising can mitigate or eliminate a lot of hormonal imbalances including their unpleasant symptoms.

Tip 13: Herbal steam bath

Herbs containing estrogen such as lady's mantle, or herbs for your skin including calendula or dead nettle in the form of tea are available at your local pharmacy.

Please note – do not use this therapy with a fungal infection. Fungi love a warm and humid environment.

Apart from that pour boiling water over 2 – 3 tablespoons of herbs in a plastic tub or bowl, wrap a towel around your hips, sit over the tub or bowl and – this is very important! – make sure the water is not too hot.

Tip 14: Self-care

A. Avoid stress

Take the necessary breaks to reduce your stress hormones. 

Any stress hormone and neurotransmitter including adrenaline, noradrenaline and histamine dry up the mucosa. This is why saliva stops flowing when you are nervous.

But this is not the only drying effect.

Again, I strongly recommend Hormone Yoga or any other kind of yoga or relaxation technique.

Make Hormone Yoga your daily routine. Not only will your hormonal glands benefit. Your overall wellbeing and your energy will reach new heights. Because of my many years of experience, I am condifent in the effectiveness of Hormone Yoga.

Anything supporting you in being in contact with yourself, perceiving the signals of your body earlier and switching your system from survival to life mode again.

Make hormone yoga part of your regular routine. Not only your endocrine glands but your well-being as such and your energy levels will start thriving again.

B. Allow yourself to set boundaries

Skin and mucosa are our boundaries from the outside world.

Sometimes these boundaries become damaged.

It can be difficult to equate physical troubles with emotional layers. Maybe the following considerations can help:

  • Did you experience traumatic injuries of your boundaries, e.g., bullying, violence or abuse?
  • Do you find it difficult to draw a line when appropriate or to say no – be it in your job or with friends, parents, your partner or your children?

It is helpful to become aware of the fact that it is okay and important to say "no" when appropriate, based on your self-care.

Or this may be the time to seek help from a qualified therapist.

The wisest thing to do is to look for help when you need it in order to heal old wounds or break down self-destructive patterns.

C. Give your vagina a treat

Following your period or sexual intercourse simply apply a little pomegranate oil or insert a lactic acid suppository, even though you might not have any problems.

And now I'd like to tell you about the most beautiful ritual to give your vagina a treat: Uttara Vasti

This is an ayurvedic vaginal irrigation.

A lot of recipes are available for different types of treatment.

In case of vaginal dryness add:

  • 1 tablespoon of lady's mantle leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of raspberry leaves and
  • 1 tablespoon of red rosebuds

to 400 ml of water and let the mixture simmer for five minutes at low heat. Take the pot off the stove and let it brew for another ten minutes. Strain the decoction through a fine strainer and add a tablespoon of organic sesame oil. You can keep the leaves and rosebuds for your bathwater later.

The device you need now is a douche bottle or enema bag that also contains a tip for the vagina - available in a pharmacy or on the internet.

Cover the bottom of your bathtub with a clean towel and fill the container with the !! lukewarm !! decoction. The lock valve must be closed and the tip for the vagina should be attached to the hose.

Fix the container about one meter above the bottom of the bathtub. Light a few candles, and maybe you want to listen to your favorite relaxation music and enjoy a cup of hot tea. Take off your clothes and sit down comfortably on the towel.

Take a few deep breaths and allow your body to relax. Now insert the tip into the vagina and open the valve while tensing your buttocks muscles and slightly lifting your pelvis. Some of the liquid will start escaping, that's normal. Once the container is empty, lie down in a relaxed position and allow the rest of the liquid to leave your vagina. You may also prepare a bigger portion of the decoction and repeat the exercise.

Once you are done, remove the wet towel from the bathtub, run a bath, add the leaves and buds and stay in the bathtub until you no longer feel comfortably warm.

Afterwards allow yourself as much rest as possible. To top off your treat, listen to my Hormone Yoga Nidra.

Now you have a lot of tips to give your mucosa and yourself a treat.

Hormone Yoga is definitely my favorite tool.

If you are younger, with more active ovaries, you might be surprised by how quickly this will help.

If you are already menopausal you will need a bit more patience but you will get results.

I hope the many tips will help you to experience a trouble-free genital area and delightful sex.

And now: No more taboo!

If you liked this article:

Share, share, share!

Discuss your experience with other women!

Share them with me. This helps me to keep learning and support other women.

If women were to learn more about the development and changes in different phases of life, they could understand what is happening with their body at an early stage and mitigate or get rid of the troubles before the changes are well advanced or less irreversible.

To happy hormones and a beautiful life!


  • The many discussions and health questionnaires of my wonderful participants at Hormone Yoga retreats, in classes and trainings. You are my best teachers.
  • Maya Tiwari - Das große Ayurveda-Handbuch, Windpferd
  • Rabea Kiess - Hormon Reset Podcast
  • Isabell Morelle -
  • Leonie Vulva-Bloggerin,