Hormone Yoga Teacher Training Online

Hormone-Yoga is a natural method to bring your own hormone balance into harmony. It is a method that has already helped many men and women in my seminars. The demand for Hormone Yoga courses has been growing steadily for years. With a Hormone Yoga training you take an invest in our future.

You want ...

to learn more about "Hormone Yoga", teach your own courses or support people individually in their hormonal balance? Then you are in the right place!

Preview the online course:

Here you can view the content and structure of the course in detail.

Hormone Yoga helps! 

Typical symptoms of the menopause such as: 

  • Hot flashes
  • Restlessness
  • Migraine
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Hair loss
  • loss of libido etc.

can be alleviated by regular hormone yoga practice.

But also hormonal imbalances in men, which are often caused by extreme stress, as well as prostate problems, which often occur after a certain age, can be positively affected by Hormone Yoga.

My name is Shakti Simone Lehner.

As founder and director of Yoga Vidya Speyer & Yoga is You, I have been teaching yoga teacher trainings in Germany, India and the USA since 2001.

As a physiologist and holistic health practitioner, I have always been inspired to link science and spiritual practices. The curing of my own thyroid illness as well as so many women with menopausal or fertility issues coming to my classes, lead me to study hormone yoga and I did my first Hormone Yoga Training with Dinha Rodrigues in 2010. I have been teaching Hormone Yoga Courses and Teacher Trainings with growing enthusiasm in Yoga schools worldwide since then. Here I am happy to share more about my path with you...

Hormone Yoga - Online Learning ...

For my own Hormone Yoga Training, I have travelled a long way and have invested a lot of time and money for travel, flights and accommodation in addition to the expenses for the courses themselves.

To make it easier to learn and pass on what could benefit so many people, I have developed this online course.

As a motivated Yoga Teacher you will receive my knowledge my knowledge from many years of training and practical experience, simply and comfortably to your home, with Hormone Yoga Training Online.

Shakti Simone Lehner - Hormone Yoga Training


Shakti Simone Lehner - Hormone Yoga Training


Shakti Simone Lehner - Hormone Yoga Training


Shakti Simone Lehner - Hormone Yoga Training


Hormone yoga teacher training 3.0 - easy & smart!

E-Learning and online courses offer you a variety of advantages:

  1. 1
    Available at any time & for life

    You learn at your own pace when and where you are. You have unlimited access to the course content as long and as often as you want. So you can always refresh the course or individual contents later.
  2. 2
    Learning on all devices

    Whether it's a Mac, Windows PC, tablet or smartphone, the online course allows you to take all your training content with you on any device at any time.
  1. 3
    Simple & safe

    All instructions in the training are simply explained and tested in practice. Step by step, accompanied by numerous teaching materials, you will be guided safely to learning success.
  2. 4
    You save valuable time & money

    Effective Learning 3.0 easy and convenient from home. No unnecessary travel time. You save time and money for travel and accommodation, as well as valuable holidays.

Become part of the Hormone Yoga Online Community ...

Experience, tips and motivation. With Hormon Yoga Training Online you are not alone during and after the training. In a closed Facebook group you can exchange experiences with other participants, ask questions and motivate and help each other.

You can book further personal online coaching sessions for supervision and support at any time, whenever you have questions arising from your teaching and your experiences with Hormone Yoga.

Training content ...

Book a FREE 15-minute consultation

to ask all your training questions

and learn more!

  • Clarify all questions that are on your mind about Hormone Yoga or this training before you start.
  • Find out if my personality and the set up of this Training suits vou and if with it, vou will be able to achieve what you are looking for.
  • Togethere we can figure out if whether Hormone Yoga is suitable for you personally and will add to your career as a Yoga Teacher, Doola, Health Care Professional, Physiotherapst etc.

Book your free introductory and consultation meeting now!

Free of charge & without obligation.

Course content ...


5 theory videos, 60 minutes each - lectures on Hormone Yoga Therapy

In these theory videos you will get the necessary background knowledge that you need for teaching Hormone Yoga.

You're more the auditory learning type? No problem. All theory parts are also available as audio MP3 files for download. So you can listen & learn comfortably, whether in the car, bus, train or in bed in the evening.

This is what you learn in this course:

  • History and basic techniques of Hormone Yoga
  •  Contents of a Hormone Yoga class
  •  Indications and Contraindications of Hormone Yoga
  •  The female pelvic floor
  •  Prostate and pelvic floor
  •  Physiology of the Endocrine System: them main glands and hormones that are targeted through hormone yoga, Hormone Regulation
  •  Pituitary gland
  •  Epiphysis or pineal gland
  •  The thyroid and parathyroid glands
  •  The thymus gland
  •  The adrenal glands
  •  Sex hormones
  •  Testicles and testosterone
  •  Estrogen in men
  •  The ovaries
  •  Female sex hormones
  •  Estrogen and progesterone
  •  Testosterone in women
  •  Menopause
  •  The most common symptoms of menopause
  •  Pathology of the Endocrine System and symptoms that can be relieved through Hormone Yoga
  •  Factors, which lower hormone levels
  •  Stress as the hormone killer no. 1
  •  Anti-stress techniques
  •  Hormone Yoga as a way for personal development
  •  Hormone Yoga & Nutrition
  •  Teaching Techniques and Course Outlines for Hormone Yoga


4 videos á 90 minutes with complete hormone yoga classes and practical workshops

In these videos you will learn to correctly perform and teach all the techniques of Hormone Yoga. Watch the individual techniques as often as you like. You forgot something important? No problem, just rewind or fast forward.

Hormone Yoga Class
Hormone Yoga Class
Hormone Yoga Class


Support materials & Coaching

Hormone Yoga Training - Slide 01
Hormone Yoga Training - Slide 02
Hormone Yoga Training - Slide 03

A detailed manual and all slides from the theory lectures are available for download.

You will also receive a free online coaching session (30 - 45 minutes) via Zoom. (Required for completion with certificate)


Bonus: Learn how to play a beautiful Mantra on an Harmonium or chant in a class

Bonus: 45 Min. Class for your Daily Practice


100 %

Questionnaire >>

100 %

Personal Coaching >>

25 hrs

Certification as "Hormone Yoga Therapy Teacher"

The training ends in your own time with a final questionnaire which guides you through a self-study of the most important things you should know as a Hormone Yoga Teacher. This is followed by a  coaching-session, as an opportunity to clear all your doubts and questions. After completion of the questionnaire and your personal interview, you will receive a certificate confirming your successful participation in 25 hours of Online Training in "Hormone Yoga Therapy"
- .

What my participants say ...

Elvira Pauschka, Pelvic Floor & Sexual Health coach, Budapest

I will be so happy ...

"Dear Shakti, I’m very happy that I made this decision to join Hormone yoga teacher training with you! Now I feel more comfortable not only to teach this style of yoga but also to talk to women about hormones and menopause. Make them fear less and trust their bodies more.

The course was very well-structured. I really enjoyed to listen to all the lectures even several times and each time find something new! Your sense of humor and positive attitude are so perfectly blending into the lectures and help not to give up learning even the most complicated parts:)

I also find both files very useful with comprehensive information about hormone yoga foundation, poses, all elements, explanations about how hormones work in our body and female body conditions to be aware of.
There are even nutrition advices and all the visuals to get the confidence and start teaching.

I will be so happy to be a part of the community and develop myself as a hormone yoga teacher!
Thank you for your hard work and thorough explanations during our call!"

Elvira Pauschka  //  Pelvic Floor & Sexual Health Coach, Budapest, June 2024

Trace P., Canada - hormoneyogatraining

I am thrilled to share a testimony!

I have personally received so much benefit from the practice itself as well as from your informative, well-rounded program.

Last fall I had an ultrasound showing ovarian cysts. Hormone Yoga then became my main practice, about 5x/week. The followup ultrasound last week shows none! Woohooooo! Plus I am sleeping better, incontinence is resolved, heightened libido/creativity, a healed knee (which I injured skiing in January), greater emotional stability, stronger abs and I have menstruated 2 months in a row for the first time in a few years! And this month's flow is a healthy-looking uniform colour, no clotting. I have been feeling cramps for the past few weeks, kept getting that things were ok (through muscle testing) in spite of wondering if the cysts were getting bigger and when I saw the blood yesterday I was like, wow! My body has been adjusting and releasing in a good way.

I also love my enhanced awareness of the sacred Prana moving through the circuits and that inner knowing when it lands where directed.

A big Yes to meeting you in person some day, sweet Soul Sistar. Much Love and Light!

Trace P.  //  Canada, November 2023

I am very grateful that I have done the online training Hormone Yoga Therapy with you, dear Shakti.

Your great knowledge and your many years of experience have given me a very clear understanding of hormones and hormone yoga therapy and I feel very enriched.

For me it was very pleasant that it was online and I could do the training in my time, respectively now I can always read and look up things.

I so appreciate your cordial manner and undogmatic approach.

I also found it especially nice that you took the time to discuss the exam questions instead of just reporting back wrong and right, or lecturing me. (which unfortunately I have often experienced with yoga teachers).
I had the feeling to be able to exchange with you at eye level - how wonderful, if learning would always be like that! ♥️

I also liked very much that you are not only limited to the female hormones, but also men are well addressed with you.

Many, many thanks!!!“

Cordula  //  November 2022

My course experience

Absolutely amazing course!

I wanted to learn hormone yoga, because for me, being a woman, it is very important to take care about myself and my health. And as a yoga teacher, I would like to share this unique technique with my students. I am so glad that I have got an opportunity to join this course. It is very informative, well-structured and easy to follow. Thank you Shakti Simone Lehner for creating such a deep and comprehensive course! 

Vera Svedova  //  Russia, July 2022

Dear Shakti ...

thank you for the training, your uplifting way of being, always bringing joy to the class even if recorded online, we can still feel the vibes. I would not hesitate to contact you for questions or supervision.

Maite G.  //  France

Priyala H., Speyer

Thank you dear Shakti ...

"The Hormone Yoga Training in Speyer was a fantastic seminar that I would recommend to my best friend!
Under the competent guidance of Shakti, (Simone Lehner) the contents of Hormone Yoga were taught in a wonderful and comprehensible way, not only for yoga teachers. The seminar was both technically excellent and was accompanied by much practice. This made it possible to experience the theory. Many thanks, dear Shakti!

Priyala Angela H.  //  Speyer

Catherine B. Hormoneyogatraining

Super ...

"Super, how much information, theoretical as well as practical, you, dear Shakti, conveyed in this compact course - as always with a lot of humor and love. The knowledge about the endocrine system helps to better understand physical as well as mental processes, to accept myself as a whole with all the changes. The practice units with asanas, breathing exercises, targeted energy direction to the glands and relaxation techniques have opened up new aspects of yoga for me to incorporate into my own practice.
My experience with the Hormonyoga practice is that it increases my energy level.

Catherine B.  //  Speyer

Structured and with humor...

"Training with Shakti & Maheshwara is fantastic. Everything is prepared in a very structured way, teaching is done with a lot of humour and I have had many new insights. Many questions I had asked myself while teaching were answered. Keep up the good work! I can only recommend you. I am so happy to have made an education with you.

Nelly S.  //  Berlin


I am very excited to join your online Hormone yoga class. I was super happy to find your online course, as I have been searching in vain for a hormone yoga teacher course in my area for some time.
So far I have only seen 2 videos and I have given you a short feedback to let you know that I am enthusiastic about your method and pedagogy.
I have been practicing Hormone Yoga for about 2 years (by means of books) and have also achieved good results.

Sandra  //  Bordeaux, Frankreich

Sustainable ...

I would like to say how sustainably I enjoy the training and what I have learned and also teach with success. My students are as enthusiastic as I am. At this point I would like to thank you again for passing on the knowledge so well to us.

Astrid  //  Stuttgart

Extensive knowledge ...

I have great respect for your extensive knowledge and thank you for sharing it. Especially since it is the combination of spiritual and scientific knowledge, which some people already exclude. I have never experienced your care and sensitivity and the constant perception of what is good for the group and for each individual.

Hanna S.  //  Bremen

Here you can find some of my previous graduates:

Hormone Yoga Experts

Preview the online course:

Here you can view the content and structure of the course in detail.

Get your instant access to

Hormone Yoga Training now!

Complete online course Hormone Yoga - lifetime accessincl. videos, audio, comprehensive manual, teaching slides, personal coaching, access to closed "hormone yoga community," et cetera. - one time only
EUR 480,-

(After clicking you will be redirected to Paypal.)

Discounted rate if you happen to belong to a developing

country and are financially challenged.

Please get in touch to find out if it applies.

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing online course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with me and I'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

Course Leader

Shakti Simone Lehner

Biologist and Physiologist (Master Degree in 1995), Yoga & Meditation Teacher since 1999 (BYV, ISYVC), holistic health practitioner (in own practice since 2003), Ayurveda Practitioner and Hormone Yoga Therapist (Dinah Rodrigues), Life Balance Trainer (BYVG) and Mindfulness Teacher (MBSR).

Shakti founded Yoga Vidya Speyer with her husband Maheshwara in 2003 after studying Yoga in the land of its origin, India, for almost 2 years. She has intensive further training in Yoga NidraTM, MBSR, Yin Yoga and Functional Anatomy with Paul and Suzee Grilley, as well as a deep knowledge in Philosophy, Sanskrit and Mantras from her teachers Sukadev Bretz, Sw. Atma, Sw. Govindananda and Sw. Tattvarupananda, Swamini Atmaleenananda and Neema Majmudar.

Since 2001 she has been teaching Yoga Teacher Trainings in Germany, India and the USA. Besides her training activities, it is her passion to accompany people on yoga journeys to India, to meets its amazing variety of cultures and people and to explore the ancient spiritual roots of yoga.

Visit Shakti's Website for other trainings in Hormone Yoga and Yin Yoga around the world: 

Follow Shakti on Facebook, Instagram or sign up to her YouTube Channel, where you find more inspiring videos on Hormone Yoga, as well as Yoga and Meditation in general.

Click here to learn more about

Hormone Yoga.

Any questions?
